Parents' Night Out Sign-Up

Parents' Night Out

Due to COVID-19, PNO events are temporarily suspended.  Watch for announcements to know when this and other children's services are able to resume.

PNO is a monthly evening of FREE childcare for parents of children from 0-12 years of age.  It is typically held on the first Friday of the month, but occasionally is moved due to holidays or  special circumstances.  Please check the church calendar to confirm the date!  

Things to remember:

  • PNO is from 6pm-9pm.  
  • Enter from the north door (the covered entrance directly facing Green Frog).
  • For security, doors are kept locked from 6:30 until 8:45pm.  Please call the church if you need access to the building during this time.
  • A light snack is served during the event...PLEASE make sure your child eats dinner beforehand.